Wing Chun Syllabus



As mentined earlier, due to current circumstances and a tyrany of the rulling government led by Manchus, a new martial art style in China had to be created, “Wing Chun”. This new style had to be effective, easy to learn within short period of time, and certainly to be superior to all other martial arts that existed at the time. Although it may sound imposible “Easy and Superior”, Wing Chun turned out to be exactly what was sought. The complete Wing Chun system was created on simplicity, practicality and effectivness. Every aspect and every movement was carefully studied and eventually compiled into a system that comprises of the following components:


  • Shill Lim Tao – Form of the little thought
  • Chum Kill – Bridging hand
  • Biu Jee – Thrusting fingers
  • Muk Yan Jong – Wooden Dummy Forms

Other studies:

  • Qi Gong
  • Chinese Medicine
  • Chinese Philosophy
  • Strategy and tactics of war

Although the goal of creating a superior martial art was achieved within certain criteria, completing the system within shorter period of time was only achieved to satisfactory levels to gain superiority over other martial styles. The new, three to five-year program of faster learning certainly did not apply to master the whole content of Wing Chun, but rather only to be ready to fight against Manchus. Much more practice and effort are needed to master and truly understand its complexity and simplicity.

Wing Chun forms are quite easy to learn, look very plain and simple. However, they conceal an extraordinary depth and meaning in each movement. Each form has its significant purpose and objectives, requiring perfect order and timing for learning, since all forms complement one another and at the same time depend on each other. Therefore, diligent study and practice of every movement are essential as they require higher levels of performance proficiency in each form, especially when progressing to more advance forms such as Chum Kill and Biu Jee.

Shill Lim Tao is the first form to study and to begin Wing Chun journey with. It is said to be the most important which is without any doubts true, since it is the most fundamental form containing all basics of Wing Chun.

Shill Lim Tao for teaches both aspect of Wing Chun, physical or external and energetic or internal. Starting with physical aspect and learning basic principles of “Central Line”, body balance distribution equally on both legs, basic techniques, developing stamina, etc, gives practitioner a good foundation and prepares him to move to the next level of developing Qi (internal energy) and accumulating it into Dan Tian. Once these two aspects are developed and put together fluidity, flow, rooting and grounding, power will come as a result and practitioner is ready to move to the next form “Chum Kill”.

In opposite to the first form which is dominantly static, the second form or “Chum Kill” is more dynamic and energetic, with more advanced levels of physical and energetic practice. However, Chum Kill would be impossible to understand without a good grasp and practice of Shill Lim Tao elements. What is learned and practiced in Shill Lim Tao must be reflected in the second form. While Shill Lim Tao form is focusing on basics in static position with Qi accumulation, Chum Kill is focusing on dynamics of the footwork integrated with basic techniques learned in the first form. On the other hand, and energetics, Qi which was accumulated into Dan Tian to a great extent has to be channelled to the exterior of the body. This would allow practitioner to achieve energy to move freely and increase sensitivity and perception of the environment around practitioner. This perception is not only important in combat and evaluation of the situation during a defence or attack, but also in dealing with everyday life situations with a great confidence.

When the dynamics of the first and the second form is achieved, it is time to move to the third most advanced form “Bill Jee”. While Chum Kill form is exploring and evaluating, Bill Jee is focusing on offense and striking. Accumulation and power developed in Shill Lim Tao, sensitivity and dynamics from Chum Kill need to complement and assist Bill Jee to execute an effective offence and a successful finish. Besides strategic aspects of combat, the purpose of Bill Jee form is to practice how to use avoid force and still overcoming bigger and stronger opponents using extensive knowledge of Chinese Medicine and body pressure points. Using pressure points with a Qi intent allows to strike accurately and more effectively with a minimum effort causing a sudden or a long-term disability of the striking area. This is particularly useful for small practitioners or females when dealing with men.

It is very important to understand that Wing Chun forms are all interrelated and at the same time rely on each other, therefore, have to be practiced as ONE unity and diligently perfect each movement to achieve best results.


Bart Jarm Dao – Butterfly swords (eight slash butterfly sword)

Look Dim Boon Kwan – Dragon Pole